Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 50th Run of the Silver Rose

From the Supreme's website:
After Hand-Off on the Mexico-US Border, the Final of Leg of the 50th “Running of the Silver Rose” Begins.

Laredo, TX – Three silver roses were exchanged on the International Bridge on the border between the United States and Mexico, on Thursday. It is the first in a series of events sponsored by the Knights of Columbus to commemorate the 50th running of the silver rose and the 478th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12.

The “Running of the Silver Rose” began in 1960 as an initiative of the members of the Columbian Squires, the youth arm of the Knights of Columbus. The roses, symbols of unity among the peoples in the Americas, are also symbols of the pro-life movement of which the Knights is heavily involved. The program’s devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe stems from the fact that she is considered the patroness of the pro-life movement.

The roses began their journey in Canada last May, and spent the last six months traveling throughout the western, central, and eastern corridors of North America, with Knights of Columbus from Canada to Mexico carrying them from destination to destination.

On the morning of December 10th, runners carrying the roses began the final leg of the 50th “Running of the Silver Rose.” Their journey will conclude in Mexico City at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Saturday where the roses will be presented to Our Lady.

Each part of the bouquet has an important meaning. The five roses (one of the three is a bouquet of three roses) represent the five decades in which this tradition has been in place. The seven guides carrying the roses represent the sacraments of the Catholic faith and the ways to approach God. The thorns represent all the efforts and sacrifices of the Columbian Squires and Knights of Columbus along the way. And the strong stem represents faith.

Also in attendance at these events is Monsignor Eduardo Chavez, postulator for the cause for canonization of St. Juan Diego to whom Our Lady appeared on that fateful day in 1531. Msgr. Chavez recently co-authored a New York Times best selling book with Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson entitled: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love, which reached number 6 on the bestseller list this August. (For more information on the book, visit )

Last August, the Knights of Columbus also sponsored the first ever International Marian Congress devoted entirely to Our Lady of Guadalupe this summer in Phoenix, AZ. The congress was preceded by the Knights’ 127th annual convention and was followed by the Guadalupe Festival which brought more than 20,000 faithful to the arena (For more information visit or

For more information on the history and origins of the “Running of the Silver Rose” as well as more detailed information about this weekend’s events, please visit

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


One of the greatest and most exhaustive documents I have come accross which completely exonerates Pope Pius XII from the slanderous and libelous accusations which have been cast against Pius XII by communists and their fellow travelers over the course of the last forty years is this piece written by Monsignor Stephen M. DiGiovanni, H.E.D.

See link here:

I strongly suggest that everyone read it in full. You will be shocked at just how false the whole notion of "Hitler's Pope" is. Msgr. DiGiovanni documents how of all sources, the New York Times, between '45 and '60 chronicled just what Pope Pius XII did during the war years to combat nazism throughout the world and save as many Jewish lives as he could while at the same time not recklessly endangering the lives of Catholics in occupied territory. Afterall, the Catholic Church alone lost more than 3 million souls during the Holocaust. Pius XII was nothing short of a hero. In short, the idea of "Hitler's Pope" was first maliciously invented by the Soviets during the '50's as a means to deligitimize the Church in the Soviet's attempt to spread its tenacles around the world and solidify its control of Eastern Europe. The more you actually learn about Pius XII the more you realize that Western liberal elites like that smear merchant Cornwell have done nothing more than pick up where the Soviets left off in order to deligitimize Pre-Conciliar Catholicism.

Natus est nobis Salvator Mundi!

May this post greet each of you this Christmas season with all the love and kindness that God has bestowed in us through His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Even in the darkness and gloom and despair of the times, let us not fall victim to the desolation of secularism.
Let us remember why we celebrate Christmas: Natus est nobis Salvator Mundi! The Savior of the world is born! Though we are all sinners, especially me most of all; God has never once abandoned us. Yet we abandon Him, on a daily basis. I know I do. May He give us the grace not to focus on the secular giving of gifts but rather the sprititual giving of our hearts to God, and our helping hand to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and most importantly to our priests. Let us pray that God provides us with holy seminarians that will become holy priests, that he restores the priests we have to their steadfastness in leading the faithfull according to the true teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church and that he keeps them of sound mind and health to fullfill their ordained mission on earth; the care of our souls. Let us also pray for the continuing worldwide propagation of the Tridentine Mass and hope for the conversion of our protestant brethren and especially the muslims. Lastly let us ask for the strength and courage to stand alongside our Holy Mother Church and defend Her daily, and to withstand the assaults of Her enemies; God's enemies, so that on the day of our testing we shall not flinch but look evil in the eye and wield our knightly swords beheading that which is evil!
May God's blessings be present with you all. Merry Christ's Mass!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Parade in Dunn

Here it is folks, the moment we all have been waiting for. The Christmas Parade! Without further delay here are the pictures.

Putting the finishing touches on her before setting sail!

waiting for the parade to start, lined up and ready to go!

Group shot!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cutting down excuses via Tradition

The Mass explained

The Beauty of Tradition

Such Beauty and splendor. Vere dignum et justum est.

Gratias a Dominus, pro Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" et Papum Nostrum Benedictum XVI

EXULTATE!!!!!!! JUBILATE!!!!!!!!!!
Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Benedictum XVI,
Dominus conservet eum et not tradat eum in manus inimicorum suorum.