That is right, the "so-called" Catholic parishioners of St. Andrews in Red Springs protested against their priest, Father Ospina and padlocked him out of the church. Things got so bad the Police Department was dispatched, and Father was escorted away "for his Saftey" In addition to the lock that had been bolted outside the side door, a sign on the glass read, "Iglesia Cerrada hasta que tengamos nuevo parroco. Justicia!!" That translates to "Church closed until we have a new priest. Justice!" Father Ospina has served as priest of the Red Springs church for about a year, and he also delivered the Spanish Mass at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church in Lumberton and the missionary station of St. Andrew in St. Pauls. Many parishioners say that Father doesn't make time for them. Well sounds to me like they need to be considerate that they are not his only parish, he has quite the work load. If they really want to help, try encouraging vocations and do their part as Catholics.
This is what happens when you forget what being Catholic is. Father Ospina is a good and holy priest, and is trying to give these inconsiderate protestant wanna-be nincompoops a treasure they have forgotten all about. The Tridentine Mass. That's right, the only vehicle that will allow us to be once again universal (ie: Catholic)!
The Vicar General of the Diocese of Raleigh, Monsignor David Brockman, was dispatched with a message for the unfaithful of this parish. The Bishop has shut the parish down, and will decide to reopen it when He wants to. His Excellency will personally celebrate the first Mass when the parish is re-opened. Way to go Your Excellency!
These people are not Catholic, granted I'm no saint, and am prone to sinfulness; but this just cuts the cake! Good thing this didn't happen here at our beloved parish, because the parishioners would have to be escorted away for their saftey, by Yours truly. If my brothers in blue would not take my side, I have a whole Council of Loyal and Catholic Knight's to back up Holy Mother Church. Futhermore we know better, the church is not our's it belongs to God; the priest is the caretaker of the building the same as of our souls. What blatant disrespect. Council 9001 frowns upon such actions and stands up against it.
Letter to the NC State Deputy:
Worthy State Deputy, I am Grand Knight of council 9001 in Dunn, Pepe Aguilar. I am writing this correspondence to inquire if there is anything being done to assist Father Ospina in Red Springs with his current situation. Such actions by (in this case "so- called") catholics and catholics in general is so indignant, that it deserves to be addressed approprietley; which in this case His Excellency has acted accordingly. As knights we are called to be in solidarity with our priests. We must let it be known that we do not tolerate such behavior from our members if any were present during this protest, and furthermore we should offer our support to Father Ospina. My council stands behind Fr. Ospina and every good and holy priest in this diocese, especially ours (Father Parkerson). We would ask that the State Council step in as well to support Father Ospina, and encourage every council especially those in Robeson County, and in St. Andrews parish to stand up for this good and holy priest! If we can not do what it is that we say we must do as knights, then we have failed our faith, Holy Mother Church, and God. Let us take a stand against such an injustice and humiliating act against not only Father Ospina, but against the Diocese, the Bishop, The Pope, and Holy Mother Church and ultimately God. Please respond ASAP, and do not let such a disgraceful action slip by the wayside. The State Council needs to speak out against this, just as His Excellency made his authority be known, so too must we let our courage and solidarity be known.
Cum Sancte Michaeli ad Propugnaculum Sancta Mater Ecclessia Christi,
Response from State Council:
The official stance of the State Council is that "We will pray for Fr. Ospina". The State Council conferred with Msgr. Brockman and was advised to " let the Diocese handle the situation, whereas they are working it out with the parishioners and making them understand that Fr. Ospina is in charge of that parish. As of now there is nothing that we can do, the Diocese has everything under control. We will support Fr. Ospina and we will respond in case of an additional 'sos' signal is sent out."
Although the State Deputy agreed with me that this incident was the most humiliating thing that can happen to a priest, he assured me that if it gets out of hand then the State will step in and offer their assistance.
Council 9001 will remain vigilant and on guard in defense of Holy Mother Church and her priests. Even though this is not the exact message we were all wanting to hear (swords drawn and The Judge cocked back) at least the State Council took the initiative to speak to the Vicar General and is willing to step in, if the situation further deteriorates. Under obedience we shall remain, yet ever watchful and will further assist if anything goes array. After speaking to Fr. Ospina at mass in Wilmington he was relieved and grateful that we support him. I offered him all assurance that we will be of assistance if needed, of which he took great comfort.
God bless and keep Fr. Ospina! St. Michael, Defend us in battle!
ASK FATHER: Request about “indigenous smudging”
5 hours ago