Sunday, August 23, 2009

Council 9001's Tridentine Silver Rose Service! Pro-Life monument Dedication

The Silver Rose made it to Dunn on August 20th just in time for Daily Mass celebrated by Father Parkerson, in extraordinary form of course! The beautiful pillow was made by the wife of Council 1074, Wilmington's Grand Knight Dave King. Good job Mrs. King! Our Council is proud to have had the Silver Rose and incorporated its meaning with the blessing and dedication of our own pro-life monument. We are also proud to have had the only Tridentine program in the State, thanks to the fervor of Father Parkerson and his ministry of the Extraordinary Form. This event had a multifaceted role for our council. Not only did it show our dedication to the Pro-Life cause, but we show our allegiance to Holy Father’s wishes as expressed in his: Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum Missa Latina. Holy Father states “Up to our own times, it has been the constant concern of supreme pontiffs to ensure that the Church of Christ offers a worthy ritual to the Divine Majesty, 'to the praise and glory of His name,' and 'to the benefit of all His Holy Church”. The Beauty and worth of the Extraordinary form is sometimes overlooked, ignored and assumed antiquated and not conforming to Vatican Two. This is a perception born in error whereas the extraordinary form was always permitted. Council 9001 affirms our belief in Pro-Life, we show solidarity to our priest and to Holy Father, and pledge our lives in service to Holy Mother Church as traditional Catholic Knights of old.

The Rose sat upon the entrance table by the fount, awaiting for service to begin.

Introibo ad altare Dei!

The Consecration

Hoc est enim
Corpus meum.

Hic est enim
Calix Sanguinis
mei, novi et
ætérni testaménti:
mystérium fídei:
qui pro vobis et
pro multis
effundétur in

Ecce Agnus,
Ecce qui tollis peccata mundi,
Domine non sum dignus,
ut intres sub tectum meum:
sed tantum dic verbo,
et sanabitur anima mea.

Ite Missa Est,
Procesus ad altare

The rose is placed at the altar, and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin
is said, followed by intercessory prayers for the intentions
of Pro-Life.

Exit the chuch and on to the monument dedication

Father Parkerson leads a decade of the Holy Rosary, before blessing the monument.

Father Parkerson Blesses the Monument dedicated in memorium to the
Unborn and the Deceased Knights.

Photos of the Rose at the footsteps of the Altar.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

The Next Stop for the Rose is Sacred Heart Cathedral on the 21st.

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