Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dunn's annual Christmas Parade

This Year Council 9001 invested in constructing a float for our "Keep Christ in Christmas" progam where we participate in the City of Dunn's Christmas Parade. THE PARADE WILL START AROUND 3PM ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 5TH. WE WILL BE FLOAT NUMBER 35.
We are treating you to an inside peak on construction and launch of our 'Santa Maria'. Enjoy. Those interesting in viewing the parade will be able to see from the church parking lot!

Training Day for Teddie!

Gerald sneaking off to the laser guided saw.

She may not float, but it's looking good!

profile shot

Day 2 of construction. 2 coats of Dark Oak stain, and a high speed sail with a Crusader Cross. Almost ready to set sail and bring a lot of Catholicism to the streets of Dunn.

Day 3 of construction. Wheeling her out and starting up!

Custom made sign, by Frazzee's Trophy shop in Dunn. The one stop shop for all your creative designs. Quality work!

Added some wave accents!

Profile of finished paint job.

Testing out the flag pole and pulley system! HAHAHA! We won't fly this flag during the parade. Ladies and Gents we WILL fly the Vatican flag on this vessel. That's right! Even though we will probably still get confused with the triple k's. Or the Three musketteers.

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